Moving Forward at BMDF

Mission Statement
Changing lives through healthcare to the glory of God.
Vision Statement
Inspire healthcare professionals to use their gifts to serve others as good managers of the varied grace of God. (1 Peter 4:10)
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Annual Meeting | April 27-30, 2023
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Why should I join or renew my membership in the BMDF?
That is the question I ask myself and you should also.
I don’t want to waste my time nor resources on things that are not Kingdom focused.
To answer that question, let me share what we are doing and our future plans.
This year we have supported
- Students on mission trips
- Ukrainian refugee work
- Members to provide medical care to Ukrainian refugees
- Members on other international mission trips
- CPR training course for those serving long term overseas
- CE for missionaries serving overseas
- CE for missionaries on stateside
As we look toward the future, we are planning to launch a mentorship program for undergraduate/graduate healthcare students.
We see this as an investment in the future of healthcare missions.
Therefore, we solicit your active participation as we continue our relationship with long term members, welcome back inactive members and hope to attract new members from a variety of healthcare backgrounds.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
Marvin (Rick) Dunbar, DVM, MD
President, BMDF

Strive as individuals and an organization to be instruments in God’s hands to bring persons to faith in Jesus Christ and to physical and spiritual wellness.
Be intentional in spreading God’s love using healthcare and mission projects both nationally and internationally.
Support Baptist and like-minded mission organizations and individuals.
Mentor and support healthcare students to use their education and gifts to the glory of God.
Inspire formation of new International Christian healthcare fellowships while continuing to support existing fellowships.
“Enlarge the tent” by welcoming all healthcare professionals and anyone interested in healthcare strategy into BMDF. (Isaiah 54:2)