
The following testimonies have been modified to protect identities. The content has not been changed. Images are generic.

One of the objectives of BMDF is to walk alongside our healthcare partners serving overseas or those healthcare students who have an interest in missions.

One way we walk alongside is provide funds for continuing education or scholarships for healthcare students wanting to go on mission trips.

By joining/renewing your membership and through your donations, BMDF has been able to help provide scholarships for missionaries currently serving overseas to attend CME conferences, but also for healthcare students, hoping to learn more about missions by participating in a mission trip.

Testimonies and Thanks from CMDE attendees

Testimonies and Thanks from CMDE attendees

This past April,  BMDF was able to provide the opportunity for 42 healthcare personnel serving overseas to attend a Continuing Education Conference.  Everyone of them has sent a note of appreciation to the membership of BMDF.  Some of the comments expressed thanks, not only for the opportunity to get the CME required for licensure, but for the ability to network and have a time of spiritual renewal.  Thank you BMDF members and donors for providing this opportunity yearly to support those serving through Healthcare abroad.

Testimony from an Occupational Therapy student serving in Dom Rep Mar 2024

Testimony from an Occupational Therapy student serving in Dom Rep Mar 2024

During this trip, we saw ” Physical and Spiritual Challenges. Many patients were assessed and treated for stroke related deficits. We educated patients on how they may increase their quality of life and reduce pain. We also gave out rice and beans as well as Spanish Bible.  As an O.T. student, I learned how to better provide, the assessment process; patient provider interactions; creatively adapt assistive devices, and to correct activities to implement as treatment… I see the work we did as being very impactful. There were several patients that we likely changed the directory of their life through education and OT intervention. One patient even claimed that meeting us gave him hope and something to look forward to in the future.  I learned, gospel focused witnessing and the two paths story, relating physical illness to spiritual wellness, and the importance of trust building when sharing God’s word.  Lastly, I would just say, Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to not only share the gospel but to grow in my faith and confidence in sharing God’s word”.  M.C.

Testimony from an Occupational Therapy student serving in Dom Rep Mar 2024

Testimony from an Occupational Therapy student serving in Dom Rep Mar 2024

“Thank you so much! This mission trip was an amazing experience! I was able to put my occupational therapy training into action in such a meaningful way. It was truly an encouragement to me to be able to share God’s word and speak with believers in the Dominican.  We were able to spread the Gospel and be an encouragement in these individuals’ lives. I think they will remember us for a long time and know that we came to show God’s love to them.  We were able to share God’s word with this community and show His love through our actions. This was the first OT/PT trip, and I think it opened a doorway for more in the future! There is a great need in this community. Rehab professionals are not common in the Dominican Republic”.  EG.


Testimony from an attendee at the Annual BMDF meeting.  March, 2024

Testimony from an attendee at the Annual BMDF meeting. March, 2024

Regarding the meeting, ” I was very blessed.  I was rejuvenated revitalized and refreshed spiritually.  I was challenged and I was reminded of our priority as believers that we are to testify Christ above everything else that we do.  Hence since being back, I have been much more intentional, and strategic articulating the Gospel of Christ and more frequent in sharing my testimony of God in my life to my patients.  I feel refreshed. I don’t feel burnt out.  I’m full of joy.

Thank you for preparing and delivering and amazing meeting. I just can’t thank you enough. it had been a while since my last conference. I met wonderful folks and gained hope and confidence through the people that I saw who are striving to live right for God and to live for Christ to witness Christ.

I hope to be more involved with BMDF.

The praise was so authentic and powerful and heartfelt!  It was a very blessed time!  MC

Testimony from a Dental Student (EB) serving in Ecuador, March, 2024

Testimony from a Dental Student (EB) serving in Ecuador, March, 2024

I wanted to take a moment and send a summary report from my recent mission trip to Ecuador. To say this trip was impactful on myself and the lives encountered is a great understatement. My gratitude for the financial support and prayers are beyond what words can express. May God continue to bless the Baptist Medical and Dental Fellowship.

The mission trip to Loja, Ecuador, was marked by profound spiritual transformations in the lives of both the volunteers and the local community. Through these efforts, approximately 1,700 patients were attended to, reflecting a tangible expression of love and compassion towards the people of Loja. The impact of the mission extended far beyond physical healing, as evidenced by the remarkable number of spiritual decisions made during the week. According to reports from local church partners, a total of 750 individuals either committed or recommitted their lives to Christ. Among them, 499 made initial commitments, while 63 chose to renew their faith, and 188 were already professing Christians. These numbers not only speak to the receptivity of the community but also underscore the power of the gospel to transform lives.

In reflecting on the journey, it is evident that the Lord’s hand was unmistakably present throughout the mission trip. Despite the challenges and obstacles faced along the way, the team experienced divine provision, grace, and unity in Christ. The diverse group of individuals, brought together by a common purpose, bore witness to the unifying power of faith and the transformative impact of sharing the love of Christ with others.


Testimony from a Dental Student (MH) serving in Ecuador, March, 2024

Testimony from a Dental Student (MH) serving in Ecuador, March, 2024

During this trip ” I learned that my role as a dentist is not about the dentistry, but about the patients being treated.  I already knew this, but the trip to Ecuador was a good reminder … This trip will most definitely lead to more mission trips in my future …Because of the language barrier, sharing the Gospel and praying with patients was not always easy.  However, in the U.S. I speak the language of most people, so this trip was motivation to share the Gospel and live it out daily with those around me.”

“To the donors and members of BMDF, thank you so much for supporting trips like mine to Ecuador.  Not only did my faith and boldness grow, but I’m coming home with a stronger love for the Lord and people.  This mission trip was an excellent reminder of what our purpose as believers is:  lead people to know and follow Jesus”.    MH

Testimony from a recently returned scholarship Medical Student returning  from the Middle East. MK served in late Sept, early October, 2023

Testimony from a recently returned scholarship Medical Student returning from the Middle East. MK served in late Sept, early October, 2023

” As I served among this Muslim population, I noted several physical needs including that we needed additional oral steroids to treat respiratory and joint issues; the need for these families to have additional finances to provide food and winter clothing, and the fact that not all the people we served were welcoming, especially when we shared copies of the New Testament.  Our team was able to do several ENT surgeries, provide resources other than medical to families in need, pass out over 30 copies of the New Testament, and provide medical care in an orphanage for boys.  This experience was life changing in that I learned to understand that a person’s background and social situation must be taken into consideration when treating patients.  Many times, we saw anxiety present in the form of chest pain, abdominal pain, etc.  This experience for me was life changing.  I would definitely want to do this trip again and am open to the possibility of long term missions in this area.  To those at BMDF who helped provide some of the funding of the trip,  I want to say a special Thank You.  My life was changed by this experience and it would not have been possible without the financial assistance I received”.

Testimony from a recently returned scholarship Medical Resident  from the Middle East. KW served in late Sept, early October, 2023

Testimony from a recently returned scholarship Medical Resident from the Middle East. KW served in late Sept, early October, 2023

“This trip was a needed break from texts, emails, and work. It is amazing how much stress can come from constantly being connected. I felt like I could focus on what is important – God and people. As I am transitioning back to life in the US, I am trying to be much more intentional with how I spend my time and which things I say “yes” to and which things to say “no”. … I learned that communication and counseling/education are some of the most important elements of patient care. More than providing medication, empowering patients to take control of their health can speak volumes… This experience taught me that God is in control and worthy of my surrender. I saw the Lord answer so many prayers and provide in ways I would not have even imagined. After this trip I have an even stronger desire to pray with my patients and offer them the hope of the Gospel”.  To those at BMDF, who helped in providing funds and prayer for this trip,  ” Thank you for your contribution! This trip was pivotal for me and came at the exact right time. God worked mightily in the work we did, but more importantly worked in my heart. There is still a lot I am processing through from the trip, but I am not the same person as I was when I went on the trip. I am now considering if serving overseas is part of how God is calling me to use my medical skills to reach the “least of these.”

Testimony from a recently returned scholarship student from Latin America.  (AH). Student served late July and early August.

Testimony from a recently returned scholarship student from Latin America. (AH). Student served late July and early August.

“At the beginning of this journey, I felt as thought  I might not have been far enough along with schooling to fully understand what medical problems we would be encountering.  As we were able to address medical and physical needs, we also able to deal with spiritual needs such as growing in faith or even finding Christ. I also gained a new understanding of how people live and how even in difficult times you can still have a smile on your face. I also learned how to be open to others praying with you or for you. I am so thankful to have gone on this trip and with it being my first mission trip out of the country it had quite the impression on me.  It was not only life changing but helped me to grow with God and I can thank you (BMDF) enough for giving me this opportunity.”  AH

Testimony from a recently returned scholarship student from Latin America.  (AGJ). Student served late July and early August.

Testimony from a recently returned scholarship student from Latin America. (AGJ). Student served late July and early August.

” During our time in Latin America, we saw over 500 patients during clinic days at two church plants and also had some home visits.  I feel very humbled to have been on this trip and supported by BMDF.  This was an unforgettable experience, although very touch at times.  I believe we made an impact spiritually and medically on the people and communities we served.  We were a listening ear for our patients and showed them that we care about them even from across the globe. Again, thank you so much for supporting me on this trip.  As a grad student, the expense of this trip may have prevented me from going as I am not able to work as much with my current schedule.  Because of your generosity, I was able to go and serve God’s people in this Latin American country.  AGJ

Testimony from a recently returned scholarship student from Latin America.  (SL).  Student served late July and early August.

Testimony from a recently returned scholarship student from Latin America. (SL). Student served late July and early August.

” Thank you so much for helping to fund this trip and make it possible for not just me but many of us to participate and allow other funds to go towards medications and resources.  One of the biggest blessings of this trip for me was getting to learn from the amazing physicians who have walked with the Lord and have practiced integrating their faith into medicine and medicine into their faith for many years.  I soaked up their counsel on medical topics, praying for patients, navigating relationships and family, sharing the Gospel, and so much more.  Again, thank you for providing this opportunity:  SL

Thank you from Student Scholarship recipient returning from trip to Latin America in August. (CS).  Student Served late July and Early August.

Thank you from Student Scholarship recipient returning from trip to Latin America in August. (CS). Student Served late July and Early August.

”  Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity.  My heart will never be the same after my week here.  As a healthcare professional, I learned to incorporate the Gospel into my career as a future nurse.  I also learned ways to interact with patients who speak different languages and come from differen cultures.  I was completely changed by my time here.  I was humbled by meeting people with less resources than me, bu who had such beautiful outlooks on life.  I also learned that you can always find time to share the Gospel to someone in need, no matter the situation.  Again,  thank you so much for your provision in helping.”  CS

Note from Student Scholarship student recently returning from Latin America. (JO).  Student served late July and Early August.

Note from Student Scholarship student recently returning from Latin America. (JO). Student served late July and Early August.

  “Thank you so much for allowing me to go on this challenging but rewarding trip.  One of the spiritual lessons I learned on this trip was how impactful it was for our patients when we prayerd for them.  Often patients seemed more relieved to have been prayed for than to receive medications for the condition the came for.  Again, thank you for providing for this opportunity.”  JO

Email received June 11, 2023 from a student scholarship trip participant

Email received June 11, 2023 from a student scholarship trip participant

“After hearing His voice so clearly in Mexico, I have been more acutely aware of it since I’ve been home during my interactions with patients.  I find myself praying over them more often since I’ve been home.  … Thank you! Thank you?! Thank you!  Residency doesn’t offer many opportunities outside of daily work/training to serve others and this was a huge soul reset for myself.  I’m so thankful the donors made it possible for me to go on this trip and renew my mind and spirit.  I was able to encounter God more intimately because of the intentional focus on Him and that has already translated back to my life at home …  For many of my teammates on this trip, it was their first mission trip.  It was such a joy to watch them encounter the love of God so intimately on this trip.  I believe that our purpose on earth is to Love God and Love Others.  Doing this so purely, without complications, on a mission trip allows people to experience God like never before.  I believe our week in Mexico changed eternity for some of the people who were on my team, and that is the ultimate miracle!  I am so thankful to have been there and experienced everything I was able to this year.  I’ve already requested the time off from residency to join the trip next year. Thank You.  AA

Email from trip scholarship participant, June 9, 2023

Email from trip scholarship participant, June 9, 2023

” I have always had a passion for serving those in Latin America.  I can’t wait to bring my wife and daughter with me next time to serve together .. The trip reinforced to me the importance of staying in the Word daily and using that to guide my life. … Thank you for such an incredible opportunity.  My wife and I couldn’t have afforded this trip without your support.  I had an amazing experience as a clinician and a believer” (A.G.)

Email from trip sponsor

Email from trip sponsor

Trip Sponsor May-June 2023

From an email June 8, 2023


” The student trip was truly amazing!  I could not have found a better group of students.  The Spirit was moving in mighty ways.  All of the people on the trip were believers minus one of my faculty members and her son.  The Spirit was moving in them and they saw the Gospel to the fullest.  Story after story and the testimonies of the students, team members, and the people we served lit a fire under all of us.

This trip changed lives — Thank you”  DC



Scholarship recipient June to Latin America, 2023


Excerpt from an email June 5, 2023.

“As this was my first major mission trip, it was very impactful on my life.  While this is probably a common sentiment after going on one of these trips, I would very much like to serve at this location or one similar in the coming years.  I realized what kind of care can be done in these remote locations without all of the more “luxury” services we can routinely provide in the U.S.  I am so incredibly thankful for everyone involved in BMDF that allowed me to go on this trip without increasing my debt even more than it already has been with my education costs.  This organization is one that I did not even know about before I committed to going on the mission trip, but it made the process so much better for me and my peers. I look forward to staying tuned into what BMDF is doing in the future and plan on becoming a member as a young dentist” (PP)