Praise the Lord, all the nations, and praise Him, all the peoples.”
Romans 15:11
Dear members and supporters of BMDF,
Our 2023 Annual Meeting in April was truly worth praising the Lord. God poured out His blessings upon us as we listened to testimonies of God’s timely provision through difficult situations.
– Four hours of excellent CME by Dr. Armistead and Dr. Meloy.
– A heart wrenching testimony by a missionary from Ukraine. We heard of the efforts, strength, and courage that their family experienced in this war-torn land.
– The desire of a Ukrainian surgeon, to become a full time missionary as she helps provide medical supplies to those in need.
– An update from a retired missionary pharmacist concerning ongoing work in Asia.
– A stimulating report from the Health Strategies Director (IMB) of current and future strategies for engaging people with the Gospel. One example was of US based volunteers meeting healthcare needs via telemedicine.
– A report from the IMB medical department on healthcare for the missionaries and the need for additional medical consultants.
– A Bible study from the book of Jonah by D. Ray Davis. (Office of Mobilization, IMB)
– A challenging word from the Vice President of Global Engagement (IMB) from the story of Lazarus, Mary, and Martha.
Ongoing BMDF activity in 2023:
– We have financially assisted 10 healthcare students to serve on healthcare mission trips. This is a long-term investment that will change lives both overseas and in the US.
– We have supported several missionaries with CME. This is a time of learning but also a time of physical and spiritual renewal as they learn alongside colleagues who are experiencing similar issues serving overseas.
– We have requests for financial assistance for very worthwhile mission projects.
– The Lord is bringing many young students and new healthcare professionals to BMDF, some through our Healthcare Scholarships. Yet these scholarships come at a price. They are paid for through our membership fees and through the generosity of our members and donors. I feel that this is a worthwhile investment and I challenge each of you to reach out to your healthcare friends and encourage them to become members/donors of BMDF. Please direct them to our new website, or have them contact me at
– I ask you to spend at least five minutes in prayer, twice a week, for BMDF. Pray that we might be found worthy of the calling He has placed on our lives in service to Him.
“And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things!“. Rom. 10:15
I thank you Lord, for organizations like BMDF who want to be a blessing to those in the Healthcare profession, willing to share their skills, time, and finances to bless those sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, both at home and abroad.
To Him be the glory,
Bob Thomas
Executive Director, BMDF