God’s Gift

God’s Gift

Celebrating God’s Gift to You—Pass It On The Greatest Gift ever given! You can help give this gift to those who havenever had the opportunity to Hear about God’sGift of Jesus Christ. A donation to BMDF helps provide scholarships for IMB Healthcare...
Christmas Greetings from BMDF

Christmas Greetings from BMDF

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (John 8:12) Bob’s Prayer at Christmas Thank you, Father, for your Son, Jesus Christ, who, as...
Thanksgiving Tidings

Thanksgiving Tidings

As you consider end-of-the-year giving, please remember Baptist Medical Dental Fellowship. As Thanksgiving approaches, || wanted to write and thank each of you for your prayers and encouragement over the past year as I have been able to represent you and BMDF. I...
Giving Tuesday Is December 3!

Giving Tuesday Is December 3!

As you consider which non-profits should receive your donations, please consider BMDF. To donate or become a BMDF member, please visit our website at www.bmdf.org or click on the QR code. As a 501c3 organization, BMDF can be a recipient of Donor Advised Funds (DAF)....