As you consider which non-profits should receive your donations, please consider BMDF.
To donate or become a BMDF member, please visit our website at or click on the QR code. As a 501c3 organization, BMDF can be a recipient of Donor Advised Funds (DAF). Please check with your financial advisor for further information.
BMDF exists as a fellowship to support healthcare missionaries; healthcare ministries; and provide opportunities for U.S.-based healthcare professionals and students to participate in volunteer missions. 2024 has been an exceptional year in supporting these goals. We give thanks to our Lord for those who have helped make this possible. Due to the faithfulness of members and donors over the past years, this year’s accomplishments include:
1. The funding to send 43 IMB healthcare missionaries for continuing education, spiritual renewal, and strategy development. Average cost: $ 2400/person
2. The funding to scholarship 26 students to serve on 18 separate teams in 9 countries. The average cost : $1125 per student.
3. The funding to provide the Christian Medical Association of Ukraine, the ability to hire a Mobile Medical Coordinator to help conduct clinics throughout Ukraine. From July 1 – Sept 30, these clinics treated 817 patients, provided additional consultations for 1396 patients, and were able to share the Gospel while conducting these clinics. (Cost in 2024: $9000)
For 2025, we see a need for $120,000 for these causes. Will you join us in reaching this goal? Please consider a donation or a membership in BMDF.