2023 proved to be the “Year of the Return” for members of the Guatemala Medical Mission Team sponsored by First Baptist Church, Mount Pleasant, TX. Since our last trip in 2019, we have been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to again provide excellent medical/dental care to the medically underserved in Guatemala. COVID cancelled our trips in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Our usual team of about 80 was trimmed down to 60 this year, but God provided just what we needed.

Our team consists of doctors, surgeons, anesthesiologists, CRNA’s, sonographers, nurses, pharmacists, lab techs, translators, evangelists, food service personnel, and children’s ministry volunteers. Although scaled back a little from previous years’ efforts, we were able to see the following results:

  1. Medical/dental patients: 856
  2. Surgeries: 48
  3. Prescriptions Filled: 2387
  4. Lab Procedures: 488
  5. Ultrasounds: 145
  6. Bibles Distributed: 1064
  7. Professions of Faith: 163

We look forward to our return next year: June 14-22, 2024. We plan to expand the number of providers, dentists, and translators.

Bil Barkley, Secretary/Treasurer of BMDF helped pull this trip together for his church. The trip took place in June 2023.